Leaving Microsoft–Entering Avega Group
Today is my last day as a Senior Consultant at Microsoft Consulting Services and tomorrow is my first day as an Avega Coach at Avega Group.
My time as an Avega Coach is divided between my regular (often coaching) assignments with customers and Avega Group and Elevate.
As usual my passion is mentoring other developers and teams of developers to become better software craftsmen so that they can deliver higher business value to people and organizations throughout the world.
And with that said here is a collection of ways to reach me:
E-post: Hugo.Haggmark@avegagroup.se
Blogg: http://www.hugohaggmark.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/hugohaggmark
Facebook: http://sv-se.facebook.com/hugo.haggmark
LinkedIn: http://se.linkedin.com/in/hugohaggmark
Xbox Gamer Tag: MadLazyDragon
Hugo Häggmark