1 minute read


I joined Grafana Labs in January 2019 when the company was still relatively small, around 40 people. It’s been an amazing, exciting and exhausting journey at times, but mostly fun. If you want to join a great, transparent, and fun company filled with great colleagues I highly recommend checking out Grafana Labs careers page.

So why leave then Hugo? Well my reasons for leaving Grafana Labs are purely personal but are related to my curious personality. I’m very passionate about exploring new domains and learning new things so that made me take this step now. I’m not sure what my “next” thing will be but I’m curious to find out!

My last day at Grafana Labs will be the 25th of February.

My Grafana Labs history in numbersPermalink

  • I worked ca 565 days excluding public holidays, vacations and sick days
  • I merged 620 PRs
  • I squashed 186 bugs
  • I created 118 issues
  • I created 14 releases
  • I reviewed 1075 PRs
  • I was one of the top 5 contributors

top 5 contributors

  • I created 130 567 additions to OSS Grafana
  • I created 88 685 deletions to OSS Grafana
  • I lead 35 recruitment interviews for front end positions
  • I created 1 blog post
  • I sent more than 565 Good Morning 👋 in our #random Slack channel (yes I’m that guy)
  • I had 3 mentees




